Big heads and plink
Conference. I will be at a conference this weekend.[code-switching alert]
I find myself asking: What is a little plink doing at a conference? Regional big names (TuaLiapThau to you and me) from industry and academia alike are going to be there.
My only consolation is that I will be away from home for a few days. There is not much joy in that because there is so much left still to do, especially that second project.
It would be nice if we could do this as a video conference, but people I spoke to seemed to want an excuse to party away from home. Seik pau mo yeir jou, izzit?
Just to make things even more interesting, plink is not well. My nose is running like the Olympic Speed Skating Rink at the moment (refrigeration turned off mah...). My eyes are red and teary, plus I can't hear too well.
Apparently, I'm not speaking clearly either.
Someone please tell me that this is entirely innocent and not something I picked up while being naughty in a time and place that I can't remember.
Oh no, is my memory starting to go too?!
[/code-switching alert]
This calls for a Mission for the Implinkables!!! ....
Or you could hit the pharmaceutical malls for runny nose relief potions.
I heard those that contain mosquito proboscis and squid gills work best...
LB: Wakakaka!! Did feel like that for a while. All that rushing around and the stage fright when presenting and whatnot.
SAm: I wish there were more industry folks at the conference, for precisely the reason you gave above.
YeeWei: Eeyerr....
NEWSFLASH! Nose getting better, voice coming back.
All I need to do is survive to the end of the week (hard deadline for second project is on Sunday)....
Hang on in there, Mistress Plinksome..
Plinky....are you PLinky? PLinkky are you ok, are you ok Plinky????
*MJ mode turned on for obvious reasons*
Wei, ur conference kat maner? Tak balik lagi ka?
Sorrylar peeps! Am now much better.
Yvy: Been back a while. It's just been busy time since conference (Ireland woi... nice country). Only just back online.
SAm: So sorry. Once back online, I saw. 'Help' and 'I'm OK' in rapid succession. That'll teach me to stay away from Blogland again....
Next post in a couple of days. Assuming I can get my head sorted out.
*runs Mission Imp muzak in the elevator* .................................. ............................ .......................... .................................. *
*pink panther theme song now*
*PLINK PANTHER* I meant! D'uh!!!
Plink Planther?
Keep up the good work » » »
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