05 June 2006


Went shopping yesterday after coffee and sawsomething that hurt quite deeply.
A mother was out shopping with her teen-age son. He was whole, in that he had two each of hands, feet, eyes, ears, everything. Only his slightly vacant gaze and how his mother led him around by the hand hinted that anything was different. The son was a wonderfully placid soul, content to let the world swirl about him while his mother tried different shoes on his feet. And swirl about him did we all.
On the one hand, it was a scene to tug at the heartstrings. On the other, it was an awful indictment of human nature. People dodging one another, even in the confines of a crowded shop, make eye contact, if only for the briefest of moments. We ignored them both.
Nobody, not staff, not even their fellow human beings, acknowledged mother and son. The sea of humanity just parted around them like the Red Sea did for Moses, when elsewhere in the shop, people were cheerfully bouncing off one another.
I met the son’s gaze just once and was surprised by how unafraid he looked. It struck me then that he had not learned what everyone else around him knew: fear.
There is fear in every look. It influences and shapes all eye contact, from the young woman who demurely lowers her gaze at being caught peeping, to the belligerent battle cry of, ‘Kuah si mi?!’
Why can we not look this man in the eye? What is it we fear so much from a young man who isn’t whole, who isn’t like us? Are we afraid because he has no fear? Do we feel guilty for being whole and complete?


At 4:22 pm, Blogger rainbow angeles said...

chup first... plink-a-baby... mm cai ai kong ha mik...


At 5:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny how that when we pay attention, the "special" ones sometimes turn us away because they don't want to be treated special. and when we let them be, we might be thought of as inconsiderate and ashamed.

can't win in both worlds, can we? I guess we'll just have to help where we are able to... :)

At 5:13 pm, Blogger L B said...

I'll just sit down and be quiet here for a change, and chew my make-believe lormaikai..

At 5:13 pm, Blogger L B said...

ps: How come I can't get into my own site wan? Can ya?!! *pout*

At 5:14 pm, Blogger L B said...

LOL, no, seriously, that wasn't a blatant attempt to lure you to albiewog.com!!! Even if it looks so blatant! LOL!

At 6:35 pm, Blogger plink said...

angel: *hugzliuback*

may: You're so right! The 'special ones' are the ones who have learned to fear being 'special.' It's the 'fearless ones,' that I am so intrigued with and feel so badly for....

LB: *Slips TungKu into LB's LorMaiKai....*


I can't get in either. Is this another AhWongKor publicity stunt? :D Hope normal service is resumed soon.

*sits down and slips another TungKu into AhWongKor's LMK*

At 7:52 pm, Blogger Helen said...

Became parrot and echo after May's comment.

Hmm, it's rude to stare and it's rude not to look.... life is so hard!!!! lol

One thing I can be sure of, is... you're a very thougtful and sensitive girl. Extremely rare among the young. *hug*

Hey, you ARE YOUNG, right? :-P

At 8:22 pm, Blogger plink said...

helen: Yes, I am young... I think.... :P But then, you are too! *hugzback*

SA: You do make sense. It's just that I'm having another Kyels.com moment, I think.

At 10:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't feel bad for them, plinky. be happy that they're unafraid of what may come! and for your thoughtfulness, you deserve another huge cup of Latte.

*puts a piece of TungKu biscotti on the saucer to go with the cuppa*

At 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why? i dunno, maybe their ignorance or maybe they are afraid they wouldntk now how to handle the situation if th boy suddenly were to lunge at them or something? i really am not sure but what i know is that special children are God's gift too and kudos to the Mum who has accepted that. many ppl kenot n thus the child suffers. but from what i read as u have written here, this is the challenge God has put forth for the mother and I think she's scoring many point for this challenge. as for us normal n 'perfect' bodied, we can but help n be empathetic towards them. :)

At 2:34 pm, Blogger plink said...

plink: *Thanks and hugs for may*

*concentrates very hard*

l e t t h e r e b e l a t t e a n d b i s c o t t i f o r e v e r y o n e
e s p e c i a l l y t h e t r u l y f e a r l e s s

At 2:54 pm, Blogger plink said...

Yvy: Eh, aperla nih! You komen my blog, I komen yours ar? =)
You're right again: fear is the problem. That's why most people treat them differently... and 'differently,' does not always mean 'humanly,' or ,'humanely.'

At 10:13 pm, Blogger Winn said...

plink plink :
*winn stomping*

hellooooo anybody home?*knocks knocks*

*plinks opens the door*

"hi plink! i'm winn, u are v. lucky today!! i wanna intro u this product called...."

-BANG- *door closed*

" ...:( aww why...ppl trying to promote my blog onli ma :(..."

-door opens-


note: hehe sorry for the confusion, wanted to do a little story intro but ended up not knowing how to continue:P

*Shake hands*

At 11:33 pm, Blogger plink said...

winn: Hi winn!


Please come in and limteh for a bit....


At 12:41 am, Blogger L B said...

*flicks skirts up*

At 2:53 am, Blogger rainbow angeles said...

LOL @ winnliuliu... ei liuliu, yr name is winnliuliu lar... how cud u leave out the liuliu name?? how cud u???
*turns and runs away*

plink-plink, kam sia for your liuliu song to lucyliu n angeliu... :P
so liuliu la...

tenkiu for the sweet wishes, babe! liuliuliu!!

At 3:40 am, Blogger Winn said...

LBBB!!!Stop flashing everywhre! LOL!

Plink Plink, teh o ais limau kurang manis satu, chapatti satu

Angeliu liuliuliu....hahaha.

At 9:09 am, Blogger Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

That won't happen in this part of canada, people are so used to helping the less fortunate they don't bat an eyelid.....

lb wearing skirts now ah... :P

At 12:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and one teh tarik for me pls!

komen ur blog? if i dont komen then who wan to komen?!?!? *dramatic emo goin on, have to bring back the drama queen in me*

and btw, what's with the LIUS????? compused lar....

At 2:25 pm, Blogger L B said...

Waa, since we're having a masak-masak here, I wanna the Winnliuliu Special Fried Beehoon with extra Egg, and some Seehum too, ok? Lagi satu Teh Ais! Eh, bolih wipe table sikit, ka? *pats down skirt demurely*

At 3:06 pm, Blogger plink said...

* G U A N S O E I ! ! *

* wipetablewithoilyrag *

winn: * brings Teh o ais limau kurang manis satu, chapatti satu. *

Yvy: * puts down Teh tarik satu *

angelucyliu: Ai lim hammik liu (You drink what liu?)

FF: Canada sounds like a nice, helpful place with nice, helpful people... like you(?). LB must think lengchye look more leng in skirts. Who am I to disagree? ;)
You drink what liu?

Leng (bang)Chye: Wear skirt wan ar? * gives Teh Ais satu *

(to the back of the kopitiam (the Tai Chow guy))

OI MeenFun Lowe!! Chow MaiFun, Gar Dan, Gar See Ham; Sup Baat Howe Doi AAARRR!!

At 4:58 pm, Blogger L B said...

LOLOLOLOLROFLMAO!!! Now, that's what I call service!!
*fishing out 16cent coins for tips*

At 9:10 pm, Blogger Winn said...

*Returns LB the 16 cents and pays LB 16 bucks!*

No nid la!

Now Thats what we call SERVICE!!

*toothy smiles*

At 11:33 pm, Blogger rainbow angeles said...

waaa...LOLOLIULIU!! Got mamaks here! Or izit kopitiam?? Konpius... got sell capati and tai chau wan...

watever la...

plinkliuliu, kasi sama gua satu teh tarik kurang manis, liuliu??

LiuBeeCai, can peeps wats underneath the skirt? Can larrr...please please... I pinjam u my Halo, liuliu?

At 10:00 am, Blogger Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

Make mind kpoi si kow.. ummm

winnliuliu where your kopitiam? i oso wanna go... can get back bigger change wan..:P

At 12:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

angel : no peeking under liuliu skirts....just rip them off!!! then we get free mamak table top show by LiuBeeCai. *bo geh grin*

plink : bak ku teh with extra meat n all those other things as well lar since everyone is eating. :D

At 3:41 pm, Blogger plink said...

* f r e e s m i l e s *

LB: *16 cents into waist pouch* Thank you. =)

winn: OK no problem, we all gi-la later....

angel and Yvy: Wei! This is a family establishmentlar. After too much 18-rated stuff, I also not allowed to work here then how?

Yvy: Apasai bo geh? Too much sugar, must be....

*OK, I go get bakuteh with extra bak....*

FF:Kopi si kow oni? Want eat wat liuliu?

(to the tehpeng guy at the back)
Kopi si kow satu! Teh tarik korang ma...!
(from back of shop)

o.O That is service!

At 6:39 pm, Blogger Winn said...

Wah plinnk! how could u sabo semua! mana boleh!

all the 'keling sou' ...

Fantasyflier, my kopitiam is underneath LB's skirt. HAHAHHA..

At 8:21 pm, Blogger plink said...

winn: Not just a kopitiam, but also a wai sek kai (rosak mya eating chicken)....

'..Fantasyflier, my kopitiam is underneath LB's skirt. HAHAHHA.. .'

Is THAT what it's called these days? My, oh my!

At 11:31 pm, Blogger L B said...

liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu Woodstock here liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu What's happening underneath my skirts? liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu Waaaaaa!!! How can?! liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu Ok, where's the music? liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu Where's that table? liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu And where's the pole? liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu liu ...

At 1:34 am, Blogger rainbow angeles said...

liuliuliu @ winnliuliu

*angeliu got cracks*

eeee...winnliuliu, i donwan go to your kopitiam liao lar... Under the skirt punya kopitiam how to untung liddat?? But if want some 'juice', very convenience, hor? Liuliuliu!!

angeliu likes yvy's rip-off oo-lala LOL! Why u boh geh leh? Sounds like bogel. Liuliuliu!!!

At 9:37 am, Blogger Winn said...

LB are u pole dancing ? shake LB shake. Shake the milkshake!!

liuliuliu angeliuna joliu!! u wan my pee? anytime gal. hahah

At 9:57 am, Blogger Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

waaahhhhh after watching alb pole dancing.....hungry

3 sang sook tan and 4 toasted jam loti yah? more order coming...

At 11:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

angel : glad u like the ripping part - heh, i like it too!! hheh...here's to queen liuliu!!! *yuuuuuuuuuuuuumseng!!*

lb : go LB, go LB, go go go LB!!! *cheering LB on to do limbo rock oso n rushes out to find limbo stick*

plink : before abt FAMILY is created, SX comes first so sure line clear wan - u help contribute to the greater population!! LIULIU PLINKY LIU!!!! WOOOTTT!!!

[o gawd, i cant believe i let myself get sucked into this liuliu mania!!!] ROTFLOL

At 4:21 pm, Blogger plink said...

Ack-cherly, LB tipu orang oni...
[stage whisper] He's actually wearing a kilt!
[/stage whisper]

McLB: *points to jukebox and DanceDanceRevolutions (with poles) machines in the corner*

Music? Everything ji gei lei!

angeliuna joliu and winnliuliu:
*covers eyes *

FF: *dinner is served* But why hungry after watching McLB? Is there something you should (not) be telling us?

Yvy: L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U L I U !


At 5:34 pm, Blogger rainbow angeles said...

Wahahahahaha!!! Yay! Another Liuliu Kaki Yvy!!!

*^5 winnliuliu*

Yeeeeeee!!!! winnliuliu!!! why i want your liu????

angeliuna joliu dont wants babies wan okays?

At 6:13 pm, Blogger Winn said...


i tot u wan my liu?? no meh? coz u said -- > " But if want some 'juice', very convenience, hor?"

plink pls spank angeliu..she so hamsap! hehe

angeliuna joliu can adpot wann..but she oso wantd to see how her baby with a handsome guy would look like...there for she go kau brat pitt:p

At 7:42 pm, Blogger L B said...

*tosses the cable* *HURMMMPPPAH* *pats down stiffened kilt* *does a jolly jig around FF* *for dessert* *collects $16 from winnliuliu* *No one wans to live FOREVAH* *limbos against Yvy's left thigh*

Oi, where's my Beehoon arh?! *bangs table till head bleeds* *makes own special order milkshake for winnliuliu* *answers angeliuliu loliu's ting tong* BBL... *shakes Yvy off leg*

At 7:43 pm, Blogger L B said...

sked of flied claps

At 7:50 pm, Blogger plink said...

*maifan for LB*

o.O? angeliuna joliu dunwan babies? Then don't go peeking under LB's skirt/kilt lorr.... ;)

*lovingly smacks hamsap winn and angel*

*wipes LB's messy table*
*bandage McLB's head*

(to back of kopitiam)

At 7:52 pm, Blogger plink said...

McLB: Why sked Flied Claps?

At 9:01 pm, Blogger GFAD said...

flied claps?? chow hai???

*scampers off to knock down down invisible door..*...actually to take catnap to get ready for Germany vs Costa Rica...3-1..

At 9:32 pm, Blogger L B said...

I can't remember why.. go ask angeliulohsee.. I was typing that to her on YM, then realised I had typed in your comment box instead, so, I punched POST anyway.. But for the life of me, I cannot remember WTLiu that was all about..
*touches bandaged head gingerly with one leg*

At 4:48 am, Blogger rainbow angeles said...

waaa...so many happenings here...

LiuBee, u said FF sked of flied claps...? Dun look at me... i donno wat u mean too :P

plink, but but i've nvr seen wat's underneath a kilt... just once? pls pls...??

winnliuliu & plinkliuliu, ci ci tells you... girls no hamsup, no men like... liuliuliu...?

At 1:53 pm, Blogger Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

eh? flied claps?

wei! loh pan liong, another loti kaya, ow yow kow kow, and teh si tarik this time ho k?

At 12:32 pm, Blogger Winn said...

Fantasyflier!!: you calling me? oh come come! welcome in!
*flips up LB's skirt immediately and welcomes FF to the kopitiam*

"i-ra-sai-ma-sen!!" :D

At 6:46 pm, Blogger plink said...

winn: Wahliuweh! Kopitiam inside a kopitiam!

FF: Would you like Flied Claps with that? :)

LB: Salah post? Nebermine, interesting topic any way. Wah, very flexible. angelcici! Come quick! AhWongKor very-the-flexible arr!

ka..t: ROTFLOL! Chow hai!

angelcici: This one from personal experience ka? ;)


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